Cookies or Not, Ogury Remains Grounded in Privacy

We've all been abuzz with discussions about the deprecation of third-party cookies for years, and Google's new approach to user choice in tracking is causing a stir in the industry. However, it's important to clarify - Google is not abandoning the plan to phase out third-party cookies entirely. Instead, they are allowing consumers to decide whether they want to be tracked via cookies. The reality? When presented with this choice, consumers overwhelmingly reject being tracked - with up to 90% opting out, which means that nearly all web browsers could become cookieless in the near future. 

As addressability shrinks, competition is ramping up. With fewer placements available that still support identifiers, the cost of reaching audiences through these traditional methods is climbing. For advertisers clinging to outdated strategies, advertising is more expensive and less effective. 

While the industry grapples with these changes, one thing remains clear: Ogury remains steadfast in its commitment to privacy. Our vision and strategy have remained consistent, providing a reliable path forward. Now more than ever, it's time for brands and agencies to invest in proven, scalable solutions that will withstand future industry changes. 

What's a Brand or Agency to Do?

The current landscape presents a unique opportunity for advertisers to embrace privacy-first solutions. Why continue pouring resources into a system that is rapidly losing relevance? Privacy is no longer just a 'trend'; it is fast becoming the foundation upon which the future of adtech will be built, offering a significant competitive advantage that should not be overlooked. 

The industry can't afford to wait for the eventual disappearance of cookies - it's happening now, and the pace is accelerating. It's time to shift to future-proof models designed to remain effective and compliant with privacy regulations even as the industry evolves, focusing on privacy-first solutions and user consent.

Ogury: Fueled by Data, Grounded in Privacy

At Ogury, we've always been privacy pioneers. Our experience with cookieless and ID-less campaigns has given us a deep understanding of navigating and succeeding in this environment. Ogury has helped brands and agencies achieve their goals without relying on intrusive tracking by leveraging zero-party data - data that consumers willingly share with us, and our unique targeting methodology - a proprietary approach that ensures we reach the right audience without compromising their privacy. 

Our approach is independent of the industry's twists and turns, built on a foundation of Personified Advertising - a scalable and sustainable solution that respects consumer privacy while delivering impactful results. 

Ogury's unwavering commitment to privacy-first solutions allows advertisers to stay ahead of the curve, fostering consumer trust while driving performance. For brands and agencies looking to future-proof their strategies, the time to invest in privacy-compliant solutions is now.